Tag: Monthly Dues
Monthly Dues Payment Guide Now Available
The board has received, and would like to share, the following information from Cardinal Management Group. Please review the details below, also available via the Monthly Dues Payment Guide here on our website. Questions? Contact Cardinal’s accounting team at accounting@cardinalmanagementgroup.com. Automatic Withdrawal To have your monthly dues automatically withdrawn from your bank account, use the…
Reminder: Monthly HOA Dues Now $135
This is a reminder that as of January 1, 2019, monthly HOA dues increased to $135. If you pay by mail or through your own bank, please ensure that you are paying the current rate. If you use Cardinal Management’s direct debit program, you do not need to take any action, as the system will…
Reminder: Monthly HOA Dues Now $129
This is a reminder that as of January 1, 2018, monthly HOA dues increased to $129. If you pay by mail or through your own bank, please ensure that you are paying the current rate. If you use Cardinal Management’s direct debit program, you do not need to take any action, as the system will…