Pool Now Open
The pool has reopened, and is operating on its regular schedule. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Community Manager Ashley Gonzalez at a.gonzalez@cardinalmanagementgroup.com. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!
Pool Status Update
The board has received the following update from Cardinal Management Group regarding the pool closure. If you have any questions, please contact Community Manager Ashley Gonzalez at a.gonzalez@cardinalmanagementgroup.com. We will continue to update the community as we receive additional information. Regrettably, as I’m sure you are aware, the pool was closed over the weekend with…
Pool Temporarily Closed
The board has been informed that the pool is temporarily closed due to an Internet outage. The outage is causing the pool’s emergency phone system, a health code requirement, to be nonfunctional. We will share additional information as soon as it becomes available. If you have any questions, please contact Community Manager Ashley Gonzalez at…
Reminder: Yard Sale Happening July 13
Come one, come all, to the WoodLynne community yard sale happening Saturday, July 13! If you would like to participate, please sign up via the Google form below. Participants will display items outside their own homes, and shoppers can tour the neighborhood. Lemonade and food stands are also welcome, as is setting out items you…
Virtual ARC Meeting: July 25 @ 8 P.M.
The WoodLynne Architectural Review Committee (ARC) will hold its virtual quarterly meeting on July 25 at 8 p.m. The Google Meetup links are as follows. 8-9 PM: https://meet.google.com/ppx-fvzx-ujz 9-10 PM (Extended Session If Needed): https://meet.google.com/ivv-zprg-vii If you have any questions, or would like a copy of the meeting agenda, please contact the ARC at wdlynarc@gmail.com. Thanks, and we…
Virtual Board Meeting: July 11 @ 7 P.M.
The July 11, 2024, board meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. The meeting link and login information are as follows. No passcode is required. July Agenda Meeting Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82992647128 Meeting ID: 829 9264 7128 If you’d like an owner’s copy of the meeting materials, contact Community Manager Ashley Gonzalez at a.gonzalez@cardinalmanagementgroup.com. Thank you for your…