Category: Incident

  • Lock Cars To Help Prevent Vandalism & Theft

    In light of a couple recent reports of cars being rummaged through and vandalized in our neighborhood, the board would like to remind all residents to always lock their vehicles, and to report any suspicious or criminal activity to the Fairfax County Police at (703) 691-2131. This will allow law enforcement to be aware of the…

  • Emergency Contacts and Storm information

    The following information and contacts come from Springfield District Supervisor Pat Herrity on Friday 16 Nov 2016. Northern Virginia is currently preparing for our first potential wintery weather this weekend. VDOT crews took advantage of conditions Wednesday and Thursday to treat roads with anti-icing materials in northern Virginia, in anticipation of low temperatures through the rest of week and the…

  • News and Notes from Kathy

    Thank you to all the homeowners who attended the annual meeting Monday, January 27. Nancy Adams and Kathy Cummings were reelected to new 3 year terms and look forward to continuing to serve our community. Kirk Randall and Arthur Chavez volunteered to serve on the ARC with Sydney Webb, Patty Kearnes, and Winston Wonsong. We…

  • Reporting Incidents

    A homeowner slipped and fell on the ice today and thankfully she is not injured.  All such incidents are reported to our insurance company.  If you should fall, please contact someone on the board or Cardinal Management.  You may contact someone through this website by accessing “Contact Us”, or You are encouraged to use…

  • Regarding the incident on Hampshire Green

    There was an electrical issue with one of the homes on Hampshire Green during the night.  Dominion Electric and Fairfax County Fire and Rescue responded at approximately 1:30 a.m.  The Fire Department remained on the scene until approximately 5:00 a.m. The situation was resolved and no one was injured.