Hearings before the Planning Commission begin at 8:15 pm. The schedule for each evening’s hearings is set by the Commission at the start of that meeting. Requests to speak before the Planning Commission must be submitted prior to 3:00 P.M. on the day of the public hearing to insure your place on the pre-registered speaker’s list. You may register online athttp://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ planning/speaker.htm or call (703)324-2865. Individuals representing groups will have 10 minutes. Individuals will have 5 minutes. If you just show up to speak that night, you get 3 minutes after registered speakers have completed their testimony.
If you wish to submit written testimony directly to Commissioner Hurley for the formal record on this case in lieu of speaking in person, you can send correspondence to her atBraddockplanning@gmail.com. Testimony that goes simultaneously to all the Commissioners through the Planning Commission Office can be sent to: PlanCom@fairfaxcounty.gov and reflecting the number of the case: RZ/FDP 2014-BR-009. This link will also take you to the staff report if you need to refer to it for any portion of your comments.
Thank you for your participation in this important rezoning.
Rosemary Ryan
Senior Legislative Aide
Braddock District Supervisor
Direct: 703-425-4048